![gato Sal](http://www.arcodavelha.eu/wp-content/uploads/gato-Sal.jpg)
Os donos de Sal – assim se chama o gato – Anna e Guy Esposito, de Boston, solicitaram ao tribunal que reconsidere a convocatória, já que o bichano não fala e não entende qualquer palavra em inglês. De acordo com a legislação do estado americano, os cidadãos que não tiverem um domínio suficiente da língua inglesa não devem fazer parte de qualquer júri.
O engano deve ter acontecido fruto dos últimos sensos da população. A família Esposito fez constar o gato Sal na secção de animais domésticos do formulário. Por algum erro, o gato acabou por se “transformar” num cidadão americano. E, por isso, apto a fazer parte de um júri.
“Quando perguntarem ’culpado ou inocente’ o que ele vai responder? Miau?”, disse a dona Anna, ao “Daily Mail”.
Se o pedido dos Esposito não for aceite, o juiz espera a presença do “jurado” Sal no Tribunal Superior de Suffolk no dia 23 de março.
The Justice of Massachusetts (USA) is even blind, reported a cat to sit on juries. Yes, a cat!
The owners of Sal - the so called cat - Anna and Guy Esposito, Boston, asked the court to reconsider the notice, as the pussy does not speak or understand any English word. According to state law American citizens who do not have a sufficient command of English should not be part of any jury.
The mistake must have happened the last fruit of the population senses. The Esposito family has incorporated the cat salt section of the form of domestic animals. For any mistake, the cat eventually "become" an American citizen. And, therefore, able to serve on a jury.
"When asked 'guilt or innocence'What's he going to respond? Meow? "said Dona Anna, the Daily Mail. "
If the request is not accepted Esposito, the judge expected to attend the "juror" Salt in Suffolk Superior Court on March 23.
The owners of Sal - the so called cat - Anna and Guy Esposito, Boston, asked the court to reconsider the notice, as the pussy does not speak or understand any English word. According to state law American citizens who do not have a sufficient command of English should not be part of any jury.
The mistake must have happened the last fruit of the population senses. The Esposito family has incorporated the cat salt section of the form of domestic animals. For any mistake, the cat eventually "become" an American citizen. And, therefore, able to serve on a jury.
"When asked 'guilt or innocence'What's he going to respond? Meow? "said Dona Anna, the Daily Mail. "
If the request is not accepted Esposito, the judge expected to attend the "juror" Salt in Suffolk Superior Court on March 23.
copy from:http://www.arcodavelha.eu/
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