25 de Abril de 1974 |
http://mais.uol.com.br/ http://moodle.ag-sg.net/
Well, besides being my day birthday tomorrow April 25 marks the day of revolution, a revolution unprecedented in the whole world, the military coup of the day April 25, 1974 dropped in one day, the political regime that existed in Portugal since 1926, without much resistance from forces loyal to the government, which gave the revolt against the forces armadas.de dictatorship without a single shot or victims, instead of brutality the people put carnations (flowers) in the barrel of a gun troops, here's a brief history of April 25April 25, 1974 Of course you've heard talk on April 25, 1974, but probably do not know things like your parents or your grandparents who lived at this time. Did you know that the coup of April 25, 1974 became known forever as the "Carnation Revolution"? It is said that it was a revolution because the policy of our country has changed completely. But as usual there was no violence of revolutions (stained with innocent blood), the people offered flowers (carnations) to the military who put them in barrels of guns. Instead of bullets that kill, there were flowers everywhere, signifying the rebirth of life and change! The Portuguese people made this coup because he was not happy with the government of Marcelo Caetano, who followed the policy of Salazar (New State), which was a dictatorship. This form of government without freedom lasted 48 years! While other European countries advancing and progressing in a democracy, the Portuguese regime kept our country backward, closed to new ideas. Did you know that Portugal was mandatory school only until the fourth grade? It was difficult to continue studying after that. And you know that teachers could give more severe punishments to their students? All the men were obliged to go to the troops (at the time was to happen to the Colonial War) and censorship, known as "blue pencil" is that people chose what they read, saw and heard in the newspapers, on radio and television. Before April 25, everyone was unhappy, but could not say it openly and demonstrations by students have many concerns to the government. Students wanted everyone to have access also to education, freedom of expression and the end of the Colonial War, which they considered useless.DID YOU KNOW THAT AT THE TIME OF DICTATORSHIP PORTUGUESE PEOPLE was less enslaved and spending less DEFICIENCIES AND HUNGER THAT GOVERNMENTS OF SOCRATES AND THE PAÇOS DE COELHO??? COME ANOTHER REVOLUTION |
terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012
25 de Abril é feriado porque....eu faço anos!!!
bem , alem de ser o meu dia de folga amanha dia 25 Abril comemora-se o dia da revolução , uma revolução inédita em todo mundo , O golpe de estado militar do dia 25 de Abril de 1974 derrubou, num só dia, o regime político que vigorava em Portugal desde 1926, sem grande resistência das forças leais ao governo, que cederam perante a revolta das forças armadas.de ditadura sem um único tiro nem vitimas , em vez de brutalidade o povo punha cravos(flores) no cano das armas da tropa , aqui fica uma breve historia do 25 Abril
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2 comentários:
Muitos parabéns meu amigo :D
é favor dirigir-se a sua caixa de correio electrónico para ver a sua prenda kkkkkkkkkk....
Não coloquei no blog porque tinha nudez a mais rsrsrsrs....
Beijinhos e que tenhas um óptimo dia de anos...
ahah tenho quase!
preciso de discordar com o último paragrafo. fome e escravidão existiam o que acontecia é que as pessoas não se podiam queixar como o fazem agora.
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