O que é o dia dos namorados? Como surgiu? Quais suas tradições? Como comemorar? Nesse texto você encontrará as respostas e entenderá um pouco melhor o verdadeiro significado do dia 12 de Junho. Segundo a versão mais conhecida. a comemoração teria se originado na Roma antiga, no século III.
O padre Valentim lutou contra as ordens do imperador Cláudio II, que havia proibido o casamento durante as guerras acreditando que os solteiros eram melhores combatentes.
Além de continuar celebrando casamentos, ele casou-se secretamente, apesar da proibição do imperador. Tendo se recusado a renunciar ao Cristianismo, Valentim foi condenado à morte. Enquanto aguardava na prisão o cumprimento da sua sentença, ele se apaixonou pela filha cega de um carcereiro e, milagrosamente, devolveu-lhe a visão.
Antes de partir, Valentim escreveu uma mensagem de adeus para ela, na qual assinava como “Seu Namorado”.
Considerado mártir pela Igreja Católica, a data de sua morte - 14 de Fevereiro - também marca a véspera de lupercais, festas anuais celebradas na Roma antiga em honra de Juno (deusa da mulher e do matrimonio) e de Pã (deus da natureza). Um dos rituais desse festival era a passeata da fertilidade, em que os sacerdotes caminhavam pela cidade batendo em todas as mulheres com correias de couro de cabra para assegurar a fecundidade.
Outra versão diz que no século XVII, ingleses e franceses passaram a celebrar o Dia de São Valentim como a união do Dia dos Namorados. A data foi adoptada um século depois nos Estados Unidos, tornando-se o Valantine´s Day. E na Idade Média, dizia-se que o dia 14 de Fevereiro era o primeiro dia de acasalamento dos pássaros. Por isso, os namorados da Idade Média usavam esta ocasião para deixar mensagens de amor na soleira da porta da amada.
History of Valentine's Day in Brazil What is Valentine's Day? How did you come? What are their traditions? How to celebrate? In this text you will find the answers and understand a little better the true meaning of the day June 12. According to the most known. the celebration would have originated in ancient Rome in the third century.
The priest Valentine fought against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who had forbidden the marriage during the war believing that single men were better fighters.
In addition to continuing celebrating marriages, he married secretly, despite the ban of the emperor. Having refused to renounce Christianity, Valentine was sentenced to death. While in prison awaiting the fulfillment of his sentence, he fell in love with a jailer's blind daughter and miraculously restored her sight.
Before leaving, Valentine wrote a farewell message to her, in which he signed as "Your Valentine."
Considered a martyr for the Catholic Church, the date of his death - February 14 - also marks the eve of Luperce, annual festivals celebrated in ancient Rome in honor of Juno (the goddess of women and marriage) and Pan (god of nature). One of the rituals of this festival was the demonstration of fertility, where the priests marched through the city hitting all women with thongs of goat leather to ensure fertility.
Another version says that in the seventeenth century, British and French began to celebrate Valentine's Day as the union of Valentine's Day. The date was adopted a century after the United States, becoming the Valantine's Day, and in the Middle Ages, it was said that February 14 was the first day of mating birds. So lovers of the Middle Ages used this opportunity to leave messages of love on the doorstep of the beloved.
The priest Valentine fought against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who had forbidden the marriage during the war believing that single men were better fighters.
In addition to continuing celebrating marriages, he married secretly, despite the ban of the emperor. Having refused to renounce Christianity, Valentine was sentenced to death. While in prison awaiting the fulfillment of his sentence, he fell in love with a jailer's blind daughter and miraculously restored her sight.
Before leaving, Valentine wrote a farewell message to her, in which he signed as "Your Valentine."
Considered a martyr for the Catholic Church, the date of his death - February 14 - also marks the eve of Luperce, annual festivals celebrated in ancient Rome in honor of Juno (the goddess of women and marriage) and Pan (god of nature). One of the rituals of this festival was the demonstration of fertility, where the priests marched through the city hitting all women with thongs of goat leather to ensure fertility.
Another version says that in the seventeenth century, British and French began to celebrate Valentine's Day as the union of Valentine's Day. The date was adopted a century after the United States, becoming the Valantine's Day, and in the Middle Ages, it was said that February 14 was the first day of mating birds. So lovers of the Middle Ages used this opportunity to leave messages of love on the doorstep of the beloved.
2 comentários:
Bater nas mulheres com correias de couro de cabra pra assegurar a fecundidade?
Porra! Sobra sempre prà mulher...
não sei porque reclamas ...és uma gata!!!!
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