o estilo de graffiti urbano que a maioria das pessoas conhece, o que usa latas de spray, surgiu na cidade de Nova York, Estados Unidos da América, nos finais dos anos 60, nos túneis de comboios.
Taki 183, que vivia na rua número 183 em Washington Heights, trabalhava como mensageiro, um trabalho que o fazia ter de andar por toda a cidade. Durante estas travessias, usava um marcador para escrever o seu nome em todos os sítios por onde passava: paragens de comboio, metros (por fora e por dentro das carruagens), etc.
Em 1971, Taki 183, foi entrevistado para aparecer num artigo do jornal New York Times. Foi aí que os jovens, ao constatarem a fama e notoriedade que se podia ganhar ao mandar “tags” dos seus nomes nas carruagens dos comboios (que davam voltas por toda a cidade) começaram a imitar Taki 183. O objectivo era sair da sombra do desconhecimento e espalhar o seu nome por todos os sítios possíveis. Isto deu origem a corridas e batalhas entre os jovens para ver quem conseguia ter mais nomes espalhados, o que fez o número de graffitis nos comboios aumentar consideravelmente.
hoje o graffiti é uma arte usada em muitos locais , deixando sempre uma mensagem
estes artistas decidiram usar a bela tela que é o corpo feminino apreciem as ...telas !!!
post dedicado a 2 graffiters amigos do vale da amoreira RVA Colman e galy
the style of urban graffiti as most people know, which uses spray cans, appeared in New York City, United States of America in the late '60s, the tunnels of trains.
Taki 183 who lived on the street number 183 in Washington Heights, working as a messenger, a job that he did have to walk all over town. During these crossings, used a marker to write your name in all places where he stopped, train stops, meters (outside and inside the carriages, etc.).
In 1971, Taki 183, was interviewed for an article appearing in the New York Times. It was there that young people, when they find fame and notoriety that he could earn by sending "tags"to their names in the carriages of the train (which gave laps around the city) began to imitate Taki 183. The aim was to get out of the shadow of ignorance and spread his name by all possible sites. This has led to battles between races and young people to see who could get more names around, which made the number of graffiti on trains to increase considerably.
today graffiti is an art used in many places, always leaving a message
these artists decided to use the beautiful screen that is the female body ... enjoy the screens!
graffiters post dedicated to two friends in the vale da amoreira RVA Colman and Galy
Taki 183 who lived on the street number 183 in Washington Heights, working as a messenger, a job that he did have to walk all over town. During these crossings, used a marker to write your name in all places where he stopped, train stops, meters (outside and inside the carriages, etc.).
In 1971, Taki 183, was interviewed for an article appearing in the New York Times. It was there that young people, when they find fame and notoriety that he could earn by sending "tags"to their names in the carriages of the train (which gave laps around the city) began to imitate Taki 183. The aim was to get out of the shadow of ignorance and spread his name by all possible sites. This has led to battles between races and young people to see who could get more names around, which made the number of graffiti on trains to increase considerably.
today graffiti is an art used in many places, always leaving a message
these artists decided to use the beautiful screen that is the female body ... enjoy the screens!
graffiters post dedicated to two friends in the vale da amoreira RVA Colman and Galy
COPY FROM :http://www.malhatlantica.pt/
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