gozando com o locutor: saleiro invisivel / Manlove gets the Salt Shaker Prank played on him on the Twitch show
os doidos do programa radio Twitch e Z , show das manhãs de Z-Rock, pede para ele imaginar que esta jogado sobre a boca dele sal e pede para abanar a mão , depois pede a Manlove para ele com a outra mão fingir que esta pondo pimenta também e pede para lamber o sal e pimenta imaginário! Bem, ele fez isso, e os resultados foram hilariantes! the radio crazies program Twitch and Z, the morning show of Z-Rock, asks him to imagine that this thrown salt over his mouth and asks to shake his hand, then asks for Manlove it with your other hand to pretend that this too, and putting pepper asks to lick the salt and pepper imagination! Well, he did it, and the results were hilarious!
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