A cidade de Cave Creek, no estado do Arizona (EUA), gosta de manter a tradição. E, por isso, após o empate na eleição para uma cadeira para a Câmara de Vereadores, a vaga foi decidida em um jogo de cartas, segundo o jornal "New York Times".

O juiz George Preston embaralha as cartas, observado pelos candidatos Thomas McGuire (à esq.) e Adam Trenk. (Foto: The New York Times)
Adam Trenk, de 25 anos, ficou com a vaga na Câmara Municipal de Cave Creek, após tirar um rei de copas, enquanto seu adversário, Thomas McGuire, de 64, conseguiu um seis de copas. O juiz George Preston foi o responsável por embaralhar o baralho --fez isso seis vezes.
A cidade de Cave Creek, que tem por volta de 5 mil habitantes, não tinha conseguido definir um vencedor entre Trenk e McGuire no pleito tradicional. Depois de uma recontagem, cada um recebeu 660 votos. Por isso, a cidade optou pela tradição para escolher o futuro vereador.
O cantor de música country Marshall Trimble é uma das pessoas favoráveis ao método utilizado para decidir o pleito. "Somos muito ligados às nossas raízes, ou pelo menos nós gostamos de pensar assim", afirmou ele.
Segundo o "New York Times", a constituição do estado permite que uma eleição seja decidida em um jogo de azar. Além disso, os dois candidatos concordaram com um jogo de cartas.
'Que jeito de ganhar --ou perder-- uma eleição', disse McGuire.
The town of Cave Creek in Arizona (USA), likes to keep the tradition. And so, after the tie in the election for a seat to the House of Councillors, the vacancy was decided in a game of cards, the newspaper "New York Times.
Photo: The New York TimesJudge George Preston shuffles the cards, observed by applicants Thomas McGuire (left). Trenker and Adam. (Picture: The New York Times)
Trenker Adam, 25, took place at the City of Cave Creek, after taking a king of hearts, while his opponent, Thomas McGuire, 64, got a six of hearts. Judge George Preston was responsible for shuffling the deck - did it six times.
The town of Cave Creek, which has around 5,000 habitants, had failed to establish a winner among Trenker and McGuire in traditional elections. After a recount, each received 660 votes. The refore, the city opted for the tradition to choose the future councilman.The reassembly was considered too expensive and not very interesting.Instead, city leaders called a local statute of 1925 that calls for such eventualities to be settled by a game of chance.previous impasses have been decided by shootouts, but the pair have opted to play cards in their place
The country singer Marshall Trimble is a people-friendly method to decide the election. "We are very connected to our roots, or at least we like to think so," he said.
According to The New York Times, the state constitution allows an election to be decided in a game of chance. Moreover, the two candidates agreed to a card game.
'What a way to win - or lose - an election, "said McGuire.
by : G1 and http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
Trenker Adam, 25, took place at the City of Cave Creek, after taking a king of hearts, while his opponent, Thomas McGuire, 64, got a six of hearts. Judge George Preston was responsible for shuffling the deck - did it six times.
The town of Cave Creek, which has around 5,000 habitants, had failed to establish a winner among Trenker and McGuire in traditional elections. After a recount, each received 660 votes. The refore, the city opted for the tradition to choose the future councilman.The reassembly was considered too expensive and not very interesting.Instead, city leaders called a local statute of 1925 that calls for such eventualities to be settled by a game of chance.previous impasses have been decided by shootouts, but the pair have opted to play cards in their place
The country singer Marshall Trimble is a people-friendly method to decide the election. "We are very connected to our roots, or at least we like to think so," he said.
According to The New York Times, the state constitution allows an election to be decided in a game of chance. Moreover, the two candidates agreed to a card game.
'What a way to win - or lose - an election, "said McGuire.
by : G1 and http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
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