1º. Fazer uma tatuagem
2º. Colocar um piercing 3º. Beijar o(a) melhor amigo(a)
4º. Declarar-se a alguém
5º. Correr de bikini pelo rua de madrugada
6º. Andar à porrada com alguém
7º. Ficar muito bêbado a ponto de não se lembrar de nada no dia seguinte
8º. Andar no camião do lixo
9º. Apanhar boleia com desconhecidos
11º. Fazer xixi numa piscina pública
12º. Nadar nu
13º. Viajar com os amigos
14º. Sair escondido de casa
15º. Pintar o cabelo de uma cor muito louca
16º. Fingir que fala outro idioma em algum lugar
17º. Saltar de pára-quedas
18º. Bater de carro
19º. Curtir com um menino(a) muito feio(a)
20º. Subir a um palco e dançar loucamente
21º. Entrar de penetra em alguma festa
22º. Ir para a escola bêbado
23º. Mandar flores para alguém
24º. Dar banho de chuva no inverno
25º. Apaixonar-se
26º. Ser expulso da escola
27º. Ir para um jogo de futebol e ficar na bancada errada com a camisola da equipa adversária
28º. Roubar o carro dos pais
29º. Saltar o muro de algum lugar
30º. Dormir na rua1. Getting a tattoo
2. Place a piercing
3. Kiss the (a) best friend (a)
4. Declare yourself to someone
5. Running the bikini street at dawn
6. Walking to beat up someone
7. It got so drunk as to not remember anything the next day
8. Walking in the garbage truck
9. Take a ride with strangers
10. Breaking into a house with swimming pool and bathing
11. Pee in a public swimming pool
12. swimming naked
13. Travelling with friends
14. Quit hiding from home
15. Dye your hair a crazy color
16. Pretend that speaks another language from somewhere
17. Skydive
18. Car Crash
19. Enjoy with a boy (a) very ugly (a)
20 º. Up to a stage and dancing madly
21. Log crashed at a party
22. Going to school drunk
23. Send flowers to someone
24. Bathe in the winter rain
25. Fall in love with
26. Being expelled from school
27. Go to a football game and stay on the bench wrong with the opposing team's jersey
28. Steal the car parental
29. Jumping the wall somewhere
30. Sleep on the street
2. Place a piercing
3. Kiss the (a) best friend (a)
4. Declare yourself to someone
5. Running the bikini street at dawn
6. Walking to beat up someone
7. It got so drunk as to not remember anything the next day
8. Walking in the garbage truck
9. Take a ride with strangers
10. Breaking into a house with swimming pool and bathing
11. Pee in a public swimming pool
12. swimming naked
13. Travelling with friends
14. Quit hiding from home
15. Dye your hair a crazy color
16. Pretend that speaks another language from somewhere
17. Skydive
18. Car Crash
19. Enjoy with a boy (a) very ugly (a)
20 º. Up to a stage and dancing madly
21. Log crashed at a party
22. Going to school drunk
23. Send flowers to someone
24. Bathe in the winter rain
25. Fall in love with
26. Being expelled from school
27. Go to a football game and stay on the bench wrong with the opposing team's jersey
28. Steal the car parental
29. Jumping the wall somewhere
30. Sleep on the street
2 comentários:
Bem fiz umas 6 coisas dessa lista kkkkkkkkk
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