Foto: Reuters |
Ainda de acordo com o secretário de Saúde, nove das vítimas mortais eram meninas, com idades entre os 9 e os 15 anos.
Inicialmente, os bombeiros locais davam conta de que 13 pessoas tinham morrido, mas mais tarde foram confirmadas 12 mortes: 11 crianças e o atirador.
Segundo a Polícia Militar, o autor dos disparos chamava-se Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, tinha 24 anos e era ex-aluno da escola Tasso da Silveira, em Realengo, bairro da Zona Oeste da cidade. O homem trazia consigo uma carta com «inscrições complicadas», admitindo a polícia que este já viesse com a intenção de se suicidar.
De acordo com a TV Record, o homem terá entrado na escola alegando ir dar uma palestra. Armado com dois revólveres, entrou para uma sala de aula com cerca de 40 alunos e começou a disparar sobre as crianças.
Os feridos foram transportados para o hospital Albert Schweitzer. Neste momento, as autoridades estão a alertar para a necessidade de doações de sangue, dada a gravidade dos ferimentos de algumas das vítimas.
A man broke into a school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and opened fire on students and staff. 12 people died including the gunman who killed himself and wounded 22, according to the Secretary of Health, quoted by the Brazilian station TV Record.
Also according to the Secretary of Health, nine of those killed were girls, aged 9 to 15 years.
Initially, the local fire department they realized that 13 people had died, but were later confirmed 12 deaths, 11 children and
According to Police, the shooter was called Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, was 24 and was a former pupil at the school Tasso da Silveira, Realengo neighborhood of the western zone of the city. The man was carrying a letter with "complicated inscriptions', admitting to police that he already came with the intention of committing suicide.
According to the TV Record, a man entered school grounds will have to go give a lecture. Armed with two handguns, entered a classroom with 40 students and opened fire on children.
The wounded were transported to the hospital Albert Schweitzer. At this time, the authorities are alert to the need for blood donations, given the severity of injuries to some of the victims.
Also according to the Secretary of Health, nine of those killed were girls, aged 9 to 15 years.
Initially, the local fire department they realized that 13 people had died, but were later confirmed 12 deaths, 11 children and
According to Police, the shooter was called Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, was 24 and was a former pupil at the school Tasso da Silveira, Realengo neighborhood of the western zone of the city. The man was carrying a letter with "complicated inscriptions', admitting to police that he already came with the intention of committing suicide.
According to the TV Record, a man entered school grounds will have to go give a lecture. Armed with two handguns, entered a classroom with 40 students and opened fire on children.
The wounded were transported to the hospital Albert Schweitzer. At this time, the authorities are alert to the need for blood donations, given the severity of injuries to some of the victims.
Ataques em escolas pelo mundo/Attacks on schools around the world
1996 – Março, Reino Unido / 1996 - March, UK
16 mortos/deads
Em Dunblane, Reino Unido, um homem armado invade a escola primária, matando 16 crianças e uma professora. Depois da tragédia, o atirador se suicidou.In Dunblane, United Kingdom, a gunman burst into a primary school, killing 16 children and a teacher. After the tragedy, the gunman killed himself.
13 mortos/deads
Em Littleton no Colorado, aconteceu um dos casos mais lembrados: o massacre na Columbine High School. Eric Harris e Dylan Klebold mataram 13 pessoas, feriram 25 e depois se mataram. A tragédia gerou 2 filmes : "Elefante", do cineasta Gus Van Sant, e o documentário "Tiros em Columbine", de Michael Moore.In Littleton, Colorado, came one of the most remembered: the massacre at Columbine High School. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people, wounded 25 and then killed themselves. The tragedy spawned two movies: "Elephant, " the filmmaker Gus Van Sant, and the documentary "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore.
Em Osaka, Japão, Mamoru Takuma entra com uma faca de cozinha na escola Ikeda Elementary School e mata oito crianças. Três anos depois ele foi executado.In Osaka, Japan, Mamoru Takuma comes with a kitchen knife at the Ikeda Elementary School and killed eight children. Three years later he was executed.
2004 – Setembro, Russia 2004 - September, Russia 344 mortos/deads
O massacre de Beslan foi um acto terrorista que fez mais de 1200 reféns entre adultos e crianças na escola Número Um, na Ossétia do Norte. Os terroristas chechenos colocaram explosivos no prédio da escola e mantiveram os reféns sob a mira de armas por três dias. No terceiro dia, policiais invadiram o local e os sequestradores detonaram explosivos e atiraram nos reféns. Morreram 344 pessoas na tragédia, sendo 186 crianças. Centenas ficaram feridas.
2005 - Março, EUAThe Beslan massacre was an act of terrorism which caused more than 1200 adults and children hostage at school Number One, in North Ossetia. Chechen terrorists placed explosives in the school building and held hostages at gunpoint in three days. On the third day, police stormed the hijackers and detonated explosives and shot hostages. 344 people died in the tragedy, and 186 children. Hundreds were injured.
2005 - Março, EUA / 2005 - March, USA
9 mortos/deads
Na Red Lake Senior High School, em Minnesota, EUA, o estudante Jeffrey Weise mata nove pessoas, incluindo cinco amigos. Antes de ir até a escola, matou seu avô e a parceira dele. Após o massacre, ele se matou.At Red Lake Senior High School in Minnesota, the student Jeffrey Weise killed nine people, including five friends. Before going to school, killed his grandfather and his partner. After the massacre, he killed himself.
2007 – Abril, EUA 2007 - April, USA
32 mortos/deads
O maior caso de massacre em universidades nos EUA aconteceu na Universidade Virginia Tech, em Blacksburg. O estudante sul-coreano Cho Seung-hui matou 32 pessoas, entre alunos e professores.The biggest massacre in the case of universities in the U.S. happened at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. The South Korean student Cho Seung-hui killed 32 people, including students and teachers.
2009 – Março, Alemanha 2009 - March, Germany
14 mortos/deads
No colégio Albertville em Winneden, Tim K, com apenas 15 anos, invadiu a escola e matou a tiros 11 pessoas: nove alunos e três professoras. Na sua fuga matou mas três e atirou contra a própria cabeça quando foi encurralado pela polícia.In high school in Albertville Winneden, Tim K, aged 15, burst into the school and shot dead 11 people, nine students and three teachers. During his escape but three killed and shot himself in the head when he was cornered by police.
2 comentários:
Sempre achei as escolas lugar a evitar...
Mas não vou brincar. Aceito a morte. Mas não assim!
verdade M as escolas são lugares perigosos pois la é que a mentalidade e molda-da e infelizmente a malucos a cometer estes crimes vergonhosos contra crianças
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