Museu do Pénis
quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014
Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon Present: "Test Drive 2"
No ano passado publicamos um vídeo da Pepsi onde o campeão da Nascar Jeff Gordon assustou um vendedor de carros disfarçando-se de comprador interessado em realizar um test drive.
A internet adorou, mas vários críticos fizeram questão de procurar erros e insinuar que o vídeo era falso. Um dos que mais criticou e afirmou que o vendedor era um actor, foi o jornalista Travis Okulski.
Ok… a vingança é um prato que se serve frio e depois de tantos maus comentários, a Pepsi arranjou maneira de mostrar a Travis que o primeiro vídeo era verdadeiro e que este também o era.
Jeff Gordon voltou-se a disfarçar e deu um pouco de adrenalina ao jornalista incrédulo.
O que aconteceu a seguir foi altamente
Last year we published a video where Pepsi NASCAR champion Jeff Gordon startled a car salesman masquerading as a buyer interested in doing a test drive. The internet loved, but several critics made it out to check for errors and suggest that the video was fake. One of the most criticized and said that the seller was an actor, was the journalist Travis Okulski. Ok ... revenge is a dish best served cold, and after so many bad reviews, Pepsi found a way to show Travis that the first video was true and that this was also the. Jeff Gordon returned to disguise and took a bit of adrenaline to the incredulous reporter. What happened next was highly
Last year we published a video where Pepsi NASCAR champion Jeff Gordon startled a car salesman masquerading as a buyer interested in doing a test drive. The internet loved, but several critics made it out to check for errors and suggest that the video was fake. One of the most criticized and said that the seller was an actor, was the journalist Travis Okulski. Ok ... revenge is a dish best served cold, and after so many bad reviews, Pepsi found a way to show Travis that the first video was true and that this was also the. Jeff Gordon returned to disguise and took a bit of adrenaline to the incredulous reporter. What happened next was highly
sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014
Empresa cria preservativos com sabor a cannabis/Company creates cannabis-marijuana flavored condoms
A Multihigh criou um preservativo para quem pensa em sexo protegido com um gosto diferente. Que tal um preservativo com sabor a cannabis? Esta é a novidade oferecida pela empresa.
O Cannadom (cannabis + condom; preservativo, em inglês) reproduz o sabor da planta. Um pacote com 10 preservativos canábicos custa 9,95€. Ah, os preservativos são verdes numa alusão clara à cora da planta! Para quem não gostou da ideia, outras empresas oferecem produto similar nos sabores bacon, pipocas, alho, Whisky…

The Multihigh created for anyone who thinks a condom protected sex with a different taste. Such that a condom flavored cannabis? This is the novelty offered by the company. The Cannadom (cannabis + condom, condom in English) reproduces the taste of the plant. A packet of 10 condoms cannabis costs € 9.95. Ah, condoms are a clear allusion to the green heart of the plant! For those who do not like the idea, other companies offer similar product flavors bacon, popcorn, garlic, Whisky ...
encomendas em /orders in:

encomendas em /orders in:
reação hilária de egípcio ao tomar injeção / Egyptian funny reaction to Flu shot
espere 30 segundos para que termine a publicidade./ wait 30 seconds for it to end publicity.
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