sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013
World's Fastest Car! Ford GT Bad v8 1700 Hp - 455.817 km/h
Performance Power Racing Re-Sets the Guinness World Records holding for Fastest Standing Mile-Street Car at 283.232 mph
Johnny Bohmer Owner of Performance Power Racing and Driver of the World Famous BADD GT, along with Matt Lundy, Lead Design Tech, piloted the 1700+ horse power Ford GT down NASA's Shuttle Landing Facility Runway this week setting a new Guinness World Record at 283.232 mph in the Standing Mile. The Standing Mile is an event in which a vehicle, from a dead stop, accelerates completely through the one mile mark.
quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013
Rapaz de 12 anos gasta 3700€ em prostitutas/12 year old guy spends € 3,700 on prostitutes

Artyon Z. decidiu viver uma perigosa aventura. Depois de roubar dinheiro em várias lojas e a algumas pessoas na rua, apanhou um autocarro até à localidade de Pyatigorsk. Ele conta que “só queria passar um bom bocado com as raparigas. Para isso necessitava de dinheiro. Assim que roubei um monte de notas num supermercado saí dali a correr”.
Na posse de 40.000 rublos (o equivalente a 1000€), ainda achou insuficiente e roubou mais alguns transeuntes. “Voltei à minha terra e chamei os meus amigos e disse-lhes: tenho dinheiro, podemos divertir-nos. Chamámos as meninas e fomos para um hotel com sauna”, disse Artyon.
O jovem e os seus amigos passaram dois dias na diversão onde gastaram 150.000 rublos (cerca de 3.700€). Enquanto Artyon se divertia o seu irmão mais velho procurava-o tendo recorrido inclusivamente à polícia. Terão sido os empregados do hotel que viram o jovem e o levaram à polícia.
A 12 year old guy "escaped" from his home in a small town in Russia, to spend the weekend with friends and ... some prostitutes. The young girls paid with cash, which was stolen in various locations.
Artyon Z. decided to live a dangerous adventure. After stealing money in several stores and some people on the street, caught a bus to the town of Pyatigorsk. He says he "just wanted to have a good time with the girls. For that needed money. So I stole a bunch of notes in a supermarket left to run away. "
In possession of 40,000 rubles (equivalent to € 1,000), still found insufficient and stole more bystanders. "I went back to my country and I called my friends and told them: I have money, we can enjoy ourselves. We called the girls and went to a hotel with a sauna, "said Artyon.
The young man and his friends spent two days on the fun they spent 150,000 rubles (about € 3,700). While Artyon enjoyed his older brother tried it have appealed even to the police. Were the hotel employees who saw the young man and took him to the police.
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